Real Estate

How to Use Social Media to Grow Your Real Estate Business in 2023

Social media is a powerful tool for real estate professionals who want to reach more potential clients, showcase their listings, and build their brand. According to the National Association of Realtors, 89% of real estate agents use social media in their business, and 63% of them use it primarily to promote their listings. However, social media is not only about advertising your properties. It is also about engaging with your audience, providing value, and creating trust. In this article, we will explore the best social media platforms for real estate professionals in 2023, and how to use them effectively to grow your business.

Facebook: The Most Popular Real Estate Social Network

Facebook is the most widely used social media platform in the world, with nearly 3 billion monthly active users. It is also the most popular platform among real estate agents, who use it to connect with their friends, family, and sphere of influence. Facebook offers various features and tools that can help you market your real estate business, such as:

  • Facebook Pages: You can create a professional page for your real estate business, where you can post your listings, market updates, testimonials, videos, and other relevant content. You can also use your page to interact with your followers, answer their questions, and generate leads.
  • Facebook Groups: You can join or create groups related to your niche, location, or interests, where you can network with other real estate professionals and potential clients. You can also share your expertise, offer advice, and provide value to the group members.
  • Facebook Ads: You can use Facebook’s powerful advertising platform to reach your target audience based on their demographics, location, interests, and behavior. You can also create custom audiences and lookalike audiences to expand your reach and optimize your campaigns.
  • Facebook Live: You can use Facebook’s live video feature to broadcast yourself in real time to your followers. You can use live video to showcase your listings, host Q&A sessions, interview experts, or share tips and insights.

Instagram: The Best Platform for Visual Content

Instagram is a photo and video-sharing platform that has over 1 billion monthly active users. It is also the second most popular platform among real estate agents, who use it to showcase their listings, personal brand, and lifestyle. Instagram is ideal for creating highly visual and engaging content that can attract and retain your audience’s attention. Some of the features and tools that you can use on Instagram are:

  • Instagram Feed: You can post high-quality photos and videos of your listings, behind-the-scenes moments, client testimonials, market updates, and other relevant content on your feed. You can also use hashtags, captions, filters, stickers, and tags to enhance your posts and increase your visibility.
  • Instagram Stories: You can post short-lived photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours on your stories. You can use stories to share more casual and authentic content that shows your personality and connects with your audience. You can also use polls, quizzes, questions, countdowns, and other interactive features to engage with your followers and get feedback.
  • Instagram Reels: You can post short-form videos that last up to 30 seconds on reels. You can use reels to create fun and creative content that showcases your listings, tips, trends, or challenges. You can also use music, effects, filters, and transitions to make your reels more entertaining and viral.
  • Instagram IGTV: You can post long-form videos that last up to 60 minutes on IGTV. You can use IGTV to create educational and informative content that provides value to your audience. You can also use series, previews, titles, descriptions, and hashtags to organize and optimize your IGTV videos.

LinkedIn: The Best Platform for Sharing Expertise

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that has over 774 million members. It is also the third most popular platform among real estate agents who use it to connect with other professionals in their industry or related fields. LinkedIn is ideal for establishing yourself as an authority in your niche and showcasing your skills and achievements. Some of the features and tools that you can use on LinkedIn are:

  • LinkedIn Profile: You can create a professional profile that highlights your experience, education, credentials, awards, and recommendations. You can also add a headline, summary, photo, banner, and call-to-action to make your profile more attractive and compelling.
  • LinkedIn Posts: You can post articles, videos, images, or links that demonstrate your knowledge, insights, or opinions on topics related to real estate or your market. You can also use hashtags, mentions, and comments to increase your exposure and engagement.
  • LinkedIn Groups: You can join or create groups related to your niche, location, or interests, where you can network with other real estate professionals and potential clients. You can also share your content, ask questions, answer queries, and provide value to the group members.
  • LinkedIn Pages: You can create a page for your real estate business, where you can post your listings, market updates, testimonials, videos, and other relevant content. You can also use your page to interact with your followers, answer their questions, and generate leads.


Social media is a vital tool for real estate professionals who want to grow their business in 2023. By using the best platforms for your goals and audience, you can create and share valuable content that showcases your listings, brand, and expertise. You can also use social media to connect and engage with your existing and potential clients, build trust and loyalty, and generate more referrals and leads. To succeed in social media marketing, you need to be consistent, authentic, and strategic. You also need to measure your results and adjust your tactics accordingly. By following these tips, you can use social media to boost your real estate business in 2023.

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